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Welcome to our Go-to-Market department, the driving force behind our business's market presence and growth. Take a look at the diverse roles within our team

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Our Sales department plays a crucial role in reaching out to Resellers, driving the sale of products and services, attracting new customers, and ensuring the satisfaction of existing ones. The primary focus of these teams is on profit and revenue generation. Positions within this dynamic division include Account Managers, Inside Sales Specialists, Sales and Licensing Administrators.

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In the Purchasing department, we engage directly with Vendors to procure products and negotiate favorable terms and deals. Our main responsibilities revolve around managing the cost of goods, monitoring inventory levels, and addressing stock aging concerns. Positions within this division encompass Purchasing Administrators, Buyers and Buying Assistants.
Adobestock 583805076

Customer Service

Dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction, our Customer Service department handles returns and addresses concerns from Resellers and it also manages the return of defective stock to the respective Vendor. Our paramount responsibility is to swiftly address customer requests, maintaining minimal levels of defective stock in the warehouse. Positions within this division include Customer Service, Return to Vendor, and specialists working for our ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) sub-team.

Senior Accountant Nordics

  • Sofia, Bulgaria

Consultant, Accounting Process

  • Sofia, Bulgaria

Experienced Accountant

  • Sofia, Bulgaria

HR Specialist

  • Sofia, Bulgaria

Sales Representative with German

  • Sofia, Bulgaria

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